Gabe GodinesComment

what would you do if you knew you’d be successful?

Gabe GodinesComment
what would you do if you knew you’d be successful?


That elusive, magical thing we all dream of…

But what are we doing to obtain it?

If you knew you could try something, and your outcome would be success, what would you try?

Did you think of something?

Good, now get to chasing after it!

Most people have given up on their dreams because of the fear of failure.

I know I gave up on some of my dreams for a long time, because I didn’t believe in myself, and because someone told me, “you can’t do it that way.”

I believed them, because I trusted them.

Guard your dreams with all that you are…don’t share them with just anyone.

Success is right around the corner! Believe it!

We have to get over our fear of failure and change our perspective about it. It’s not failure, it’s a learning experience.

Learn from your mistakes and live a maven life!

No losses, only wins and lessons!

God bless you!
